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Does your families water smell like bleach? Is the chlorine in your water causing skin irritation or rashes? Does your water and coffee taste awful? Do your pets drink chlorinated water? That can’t be good for them! Why is chlorine added to your municipal water supply anyway? If you want to learn how to remove chlorine from your water, this video is for you! Chlorine can be removed from water a number of ways, I’ll explain the pros and cons of each one. By the end of this video you’ll know which one is best for your family. Also, I suggest you watch this video right to the end as I’ve got a great tip which will save your family hundreds of dollars, while getting rid of the chlorine! (water softener with chlorine removal). Your city or municipality needs to make sure that the water they supply to your home for your family is bacteria free. The most cost-effective way to do that is to add chlorine as a disinfectant so that as the water makes it’s way through all those pipes, some of which are over 100 years old it doesn’t become contaminated by bacteria. Chlorine kills the organisms in your water but it’s not something we want our families to injest on a continual basis. Also, did you know that the chlorine from a municipal water system will significantly shorten the life of your water softener? Chlorine can be oxidized out of your water, so the cheapest way to get rid of it is to let the water degas by simply pouring your water into an open container and letting air oxidize the chlorine out of your water. This method works great when removing chlorine from your water for pets and plants. You could get a cartridge filter like this, which absorbs the chlorine removing it from your families water, storing it inside this filter. The problem is, these filters can only remove chlorine at a rate of 1 gpm and then only about 1,000 gallons fo water before you through them away and replace them. But for a prefilter at the kitchen sink for your families cold water it is a potential solution. You can get the larger whole house size like this, but for a family of 4, it will need to be replaced every couple of months. The inconvenient of it’s replacement and the cost will add up quickly. You could also use a Reverse Osmosis drinking water system to remove the chlorine and a whole lot of other impurities from your water like this HUM Water Saver 75 and if you’re looking to just fix the drinking water, that’s a great solution! The best whole house solution for most families, although definitely not the cheapest is one of these HUM Auto Back Washable Carbon Filters They are chemical free, self cleaning and require no maintenance whatsoever. Chlorine will ruin the media beads in your water softener so if your water source is chlorinated you need to either install your HUM Automatic back washing filter before the water softener or get one of these Aquamaster AMS 950 water softeners which have the chlorine removal carbon filter built in, so one piece of equipment does two jobs, saving your family money! We offer Discount pricing and free shipping on these systems, just click the link up here. To learn more about the installation of these Automatic Backwashing Carbon Filters, click here and I’ll see you there!    • Automatic Back Wa...   LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) Sign up to keep in touch with Gary! 2) LET’S CONNECT! 3) CONTACT! or 4) SHOP! Midland Canada USA Please share this video    • CHEAPEST Way to R...