You’ve invested in one of our great HUM Safe Water UV systems to make sure that the well or lake water at your home, cottage or cabin is bacteria free for your family and plan to install it yourself. But, where should it be installed? Does it go before or after your existing filtration? What type of pipe do you need to use? What exactly do you need to know when installing the HUM Safe Water 6 or 10 for your family? Relax, I’ll explain it all to you starting right now. This video is perfect for the rural home, cottage or cabin owner looking for installation tips and tricks while installing their own HUM Safe Water UV system to make sure their water is bacteria free for their family. Shop HUM Safe Water 10 here
https://waterestore.ca/products/hum-s... Shop HUM Safe Water 6 Here
https://waterestore.ca/products/hum-6... If you’re not sure how a UV System works you may want to check out this video to learn a little more
• HOW DOES a RESIDE... Before you start, keep in mind pre treatment requirements, you need to be below these limits, otherwise you’ll compromise the UV performance. Iron – 0.3 ppm, Hardness – 7 gpg, Trubidity – 1 NTU, Manganese – 0.05 ppm, Tannins – 0.1 ppm and above 75 % UVT but basically you need to make sure that the water is relatively clear and will not leave deposits on the sleeve. Also, consider the installation location. The UV is installed after your other water filtration equipment including water softener, iron filter and automatic backwashing filters. You’ll need to allow 20” of space above and 4” below the system for future maintenance. You also need to make sure that it will be protected from the weather and from freezing. You’ll need a standard 110 volt electrical outlet for power. Install the disinfection system on cold water line only, before any branched lines going to your hot water heater. Note: Before service begins, all household plumbing lines should be chemically disinfected. Check out my video on disinfection here:
• DISINFECT Your HO... Click here for your next video on UV Disinfection and I’ll see you there!
• Ultraviolet or UV... Any questions or comments about this video? Please enter them below, I read them all and would love to answer yours. LOVE GARY THE WATER GUY AND WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT WATER FILTRATION FOR YOUR FAMILY? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! Sign up to keep in touch with Gary!
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