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How to Install a Viqua/Sterilight UV Disinfection Water Filter

How to Install a Viqua/Sterilight UV Disinfection Water Filter

How to Install a Sterilight UV Disinfection Water Filter System Discount Pricing on Sterilight Products available here or Share this video    • How to Install a ...   For more great information about water treatment, subscribe!    / waterstoremidland   Follow me or email at or Before you start, make sure your source water meets these requirements or you will need to treat it before the UV. Turbidity less than 1 NTU Suspended Solids less than 10mg/L Colour None Total Iron less than 0.3 mg/L Manganese less than 0.05 mg/L Hardness less than 7 gpg Before you start, keep these precautions in mind: The UV disinfection system should be the last step of your water treatment system. Choose a location for installation with a nearby electrical outlet. Note the direction of water flow in the supply line. Refer to the plumbing diagram and check that you have all necessary fittings for installation. Note: A minimum of 22” clearance at lamp cord end of the chamber will allow most maintenance procedures to be accomplished without removing the disinfection chamber from its mounting bracket. I always recommend a 10" Big Blue 5 micron sediment pre filter unless you have only one bathroom, then a 10" slimline will be fine or if your house has 4 or more bathrooms or 1" plumbing a 20" Big Blue would be better. The filter housing needs to be mounted where you have access to replace the filter in the future and where any water being spilled during filter replacement will not splash into or onto electrical components. 1. Shut off the main water supply valve. 2. Mount the unit to the wall using the mounting bracket provided. Mount ballast on the bracket beside and above the chamber. 3. Install new plumbing as per diagram. This UV can be installed vertically or horizontally but vertically is always best with the electrical connection for the bulb to the top and easiest to service. Note: When installing the 5- micron pre-filter, make sure the flow arrows on them point in the same direction as the water flow. WARNING: if soldering, do not allow heat near plastic threads or fittings. 4. Centre the quartz sleeve into the UV housing with the open end facing up (if installed vertically). Place a lubricated “O” ring on to each end of the quartz sleeve. Hand tighten the gland nuts on both ends. 5. Place the lamp spring and the lamp into the quartz sleeve and, holding the top of the lamp, attach lamp to the lamp connector. Push the lamp connector down snugly into the gland nut and tighten the retainer screw. Be carefull to line up the four pins as this can only be connected one way. 6. Remove the nut from the ground stud at the top of the unit. Next place the ground wire (green wire with yellow stripe) over the stud and tighten. 7. Open the valves on either side of the disinfection chamber. Check for leaks. Open supply valve slowly and bleed air from system. 8. Connect UV power source to AC line. UV power source audio alarm will sound for a few seconds before showing reset. Your Sterilight UV disinfection system is now ready for service. Before service begins, all household plumbing lines should be chemically disinfected. For Models: SPV-200, SPV-410, SPV-600, SPV-740, SPV-950, SCV-200/SCMV-200, SCV-320/SCMV-320, SCV-600/SCMV-600, SCV-740/SCMV-740, SV5Q-PA/SSMV-24, SV8Q-PA/SSMV-37, SV12Q-PA/SSMV-39, SP320-HO, SP410-HO, SP600-HO, SP740-HO, SP950-HO, SC-200/SCM-200, SC-320/SCM-320, SC-600/SCM-600, SC740/SCM-740, S1Q-PA, S2Q-PA/SSM-17, S5Q-PA/SSM-24, S8Q-PA/SSM-37, S12Q-PA/SSM-39, SC1, SC2.5, SC4 For more great information about water treatment, subscribe!    / waterstoremidland   or check out our websites at or Follow me or email at or