No matter which type of water softener you install the first step is knowing where to install it. The Clack WS1 Water Softener or any of the Aquamaster High Efficiency Water Softeners need to be installed correctly for maximum performance. We need to keep in mind that the water softener will need to connect to your plumbing at a point where it softens all of the hot and cold water in your home. You will need access in the future to be able to add salt and it will need to be connected to a drain and an electrical outlet. Also, if you are installing multiple pieces of water treatment equipment you need to plan the order of the water flow through the equipment. This video/blog post has more info on that topic.
Check out where the water comes into your home, usually located in a utility room and often near your hot water tank. If you're on a municipal water system there will usually be a pipe coming from the floor with a water meter on it. If you are using well water you'll have a pressure tank in your home, look for the pipe that leaves that pressure tank and supplies water to your home. Follow that pipe and look for where it branches off toward your hot water heater and other lines, you'll want to connect your water softener before it branches off so all water lines down stream will be softened. Make a note as to what size and type of plumbing you have as you may need to purchase some fittings to connect to the water softener.
You'll also want to consider the plumbing to your outside faucet and lawn irrigation systems. For lawn watering it is usually best practise to use untreated (bypassed) water. If you want softened water for stain free and much easier car or boat washing it's best to have those water lines treated.
Check where you'll connect to the drain. When a water softener regenerates it will flush anywhere from 14 to 60 gallons of water down the drain and wherever you connect needs to be able to handle that much water and not freeze in the winter. A floor drain is usually the most convenient drainage location but there are many other options available. You can plumb it overhead into an ABS pipe or run it into a laundry sink, just be sure that you comply with local plumbing codes which usually require you to maintain an air gap. Make sure wherever you connect the drain that it is secure at both ends.
Lastly you will need to be located near a standard household 110 volt electrical outlet.