Your UV or
Ultraviolet Disinfection System is beeping because there is something wrong, so one of these things has put it into alarm.
- Your sensor may be dirty, so check that first.
- The timer has triggered because it has been about a year since the UV lamp was changed and now it is time for a new one.
- You replaced the lamp but didn’t reset the timer when you were done.
- The lamp has burned out or is defective.
- The controller is defective
. - You have a monitored system and the sensor has triggered the alarm because your water quality is below the acceptable level.
- There was a power failure and the ballast triggered the alarm when the power came back on.
- You have an Excelight or UV Dynamics UV and the ballast wasn’t in alarm mode when you tried to reset the ballast.
Need a New UV Lamp? We've got them!
The Water eStore carries a wide range of UV lamps from the top manufacturers of Ultraviolet Light Systems. If you need a new lamp, order one now so you can have it in hand before the beeping starts again.
Browse UV Lamps by Brand:
- Viqua
- Viqua Sterilight UV Lamps
- UV Dynamics Lamps
- Pura UV Lamps
- Greenway UV Lamps
- Excelight UV Lamps
Why Do Ultraviolet Systems Have Alarms?
You need to realize that the alarm is beeping because it's trying to tell you that something is wrong. If you have a monitored UV system, the alarm is there to tell you that your UV system is not functioning properly, or is about to stop functioning properly.
The main concern for a UV system alarm is that your water has become so discoloured or murky that the UV will not be able to kill all of the bacteria that is present. But that's not the only thing that could be causing your Ultraviolet light to keep beeping.
Assuming your ballast does not have an LED readout with count down timer, is to push the button on the front of the ballast to see if that stops the beeping. If it does, it means you’re nearing the end of the lamps 9,000 hours or one year of service life and it’s time to replace the bulb.
This process will buy you some time because it will stop the beeping for one week, but if you don’t replace the lamp after one week it will start beeping again to remind you.
After one month you will not be able to stop the beeping unless you replace the lamp.
Resetting the timer varies by manufacturer and you can check out my other UV videos to show you how to do it for your brand. But generally, the lamp change reminder timer is reset by disconnecting the UV power source from the AC supply, waiting for at least fifteen seconds and reconnecting to the AC supply with the timer button depressed.
With UV Dynamics systems the UV power source (or ballast) will emit a solid three-second beep indicating that the reset was successful. You can confirm that it has reset by pushing and releasing the button and counting the number of times the red indicator light flashes, if it flashes 12 times, that means the timer is reset and there are 12 months of life left before the lamp needs to be replaced.
By the way, if your Excelight or UV Dynamics UV system is not in alarm mode when you replace the lamp you will not be able to reset the timer so you need to put it into alarm mode by unplugging the unit for 5 minutes, removing the old lamp, and with the old lamp removed, plug the ballast back in until it starts beeping. Then unplug and install the new UV lamp and reset.
Occasionally, after a power failure, you may get beeping, unplug the controller, wait one minute and plug it back in, if that doesn’t fix it try to reset the ballast.
If it’s not your water quality, the sensor is clean (if you have one), you’ve replaced the lamp, reset the timer and it still keeps beeping, the ballast is probably faulty and needs replacement.
Video Transcript
Gary The Water Guy:
Does your ultraviolet disinfection system keep on beeping even after you replaced the lamp? Well check out this video to learn why. Hi, I'm Gary The Water Guy. I own Water E-store and The Water Store in Midland. On this channel, we spend lots of time talking about water treatment, everything about how systems work, how to install them, how to maintain them, so you can make some great decisions about water treatment for your family. If this is your first visit to our channel, welcome. You may consider clicking the subscribe button bottom right hand corner of your screen. That'll take you right to our channel. You'll see hundreds of water treatment videos there of all different topics. I'd also like to encourage you to watch this video right to the end. I'll have a link to my playlist on ultraviolet disinfection systems. Again, lots of great information there. And if you like this video, please give it the thumbs up. I'd really appreciate it.
Gary The Water Guy:
So what's causing all this beeping? Well, the unit's an alarm, there's something wrong. So there could be one of seven things that's causing this. So the first one is the lamp. As I mentioned earlier, the lamp does need to be replaced. These units, one thing that they have in common, whether it's the V [inaudible 00:00:59], the Exalight, or the UV Dynamics, is the lamp is good for 9,000 hours or about 365 days. So as you get close to that timeframe, these units start to beep to remind you that it's time to replace that lamp. So go ahead and replace that lamp. That's the first thing. The second thing is you need to reset the timer because the unit doesn't know that you've replaced the lamp until you reset the timer. So there's different procedures for pretty much all of these. So if you check that playlist I mentioned earlier, at the end of this video it'll take you to a whole bunch of my videos that show you how to replace it for each of the different brands.
Gary The Water Guy:
So is it a monitored system? Some of these systems have a sensor on the side, and what that does it monitors the quality of the water passing through. If there's any color in the water or if there's a lot of sand in the water and that kind of thing, it'll set off that sensor. So check your water quality but also make sure that when you replace that lamp, you also clean that sensor. So you just use CLR or something like that on the sensor window and clean that up.
Gary The Water Guy:
So the next thing you need to check is, was there a recent power failure? We've been getting some calls about after the power comes back on after a power failure that some of the ballasts like this one here tend to start going into alarm. So what you can do, you can unplug it, plug it back in, press the reset button, and often that'll get rid of that, the beeping caused from that power failure. UV Dynamics, it's also a similar situation. So you can do the same with those. So another thing you need to check is the ballasts, especially with the UV Dynamics and some of the older Exalight systems. They have to be in alarm mode before you can reset the timer, and I'll show you how to put it into alarm mode in just one second.
Gary The Water Guy:
To put it into alarm, the first thing you need to do is unplug the unit and then you need to remove the lamp. So just be careful, the lamp will be quite hot, so you can use a cloth or something like that to grab it. Ease that off. Pull the lamp right out. And once it's out, then you need to plug it back in with no lamp in it. And what that's going to do is going to put it into alarm. Okay. So you can see it flashing here, that it is in alarm mode. Once it's in alarm mode, unplug it again, put the new lamp back in. Goes, that should seat it all the way down.
Gary The Water Guy:
New lamp is in. And then follow the reset procedure by holding down the button, plugging it in. You hear a long beep and three short beeps. And if you hold a little bit longer and let go, what you'll see is that this lamp here will flash red 12 times. And what that does, it tells you that it's going to have 12 months of life left on this lamp. And it tells you that it's been reset.
Gary The Water Guy:
So it could also be a defective lamp. So electrically, other than the sensor, there's only two components, and that is the baluster controller and the lamp. So if the lamp fails for some reason, maybe it's a defective lamp. So you have to check that out. So one of the ways you can check is if you put in another lamp, obviously a new one, then that would tell you if you just put it in and it's a brand new lamp and you think the brand new lamp might be defective, swap out in the old lamp that you took out and see what happens.
Gary The Water Guy:
And if you swap out that old lamp and it still is beeping, then it's probably the controller. So the controller may very well be defective. They do have a life expectancy, usually about five to seven years, something like that. And that very well may need to be replaced. And that's it. If you like what you saw, then please click the subscribe button if you haven't already. For some more information, you go to our websites, either waterestore.com or waterstoremidland.com. And that playlist I mentioned earlier about ultraviolet disinfection, it's right up here. Just click on it. Lots of great information. Definitely you want to check it out.
And again, I'm Gary The Water Guy, thanks for watching.